Warner Bros. has announced that the sixth installment of the beloved Harry Potter series will be coming to a theatre near you November 21, 2008. Yes, that is right, in a little more than two years you can revel in the wizardy goodness that is “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.” Never mind that the film has no director or no cast yet. Trifles! It has a release date and that is what matters.

Oh, and well-known authors Stephen King and John Irving have asked Potter creator J.K. Rowling not to kill off her best boy wizard in final book. Because, you know, they’ve never off-ed major characters in print.

Oh, and one more thing. If you want to see Potter’s privates, prepare your passport. Daniel Radcliffe will appear in a London stage as “a stable boy who has an erotic relationship with his horses.” The role requires him to appear naked and “symbolically blind six horses.” Yeah. I'm just going to let that one speak for itself.
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