Monday, September 29, 2008

Once more, with feeling

Gosh, I know I said I wasn't going to write about our wacky Na-kook of the North of a vice presidential candidate anymore, but I simply couldn't resist the return of Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on this weekend's “Saturday Night Live.” The really funny (and by funny I mean sad) thing about Tina's reappearance as Republican vice presidential nominee is how close it actually is to the real thing. In fact, it's so close, Tina probably could have just read Palin's answers verbatim from her interview last week with Katie Couric and have elicited the same, and perhaps even bigger, laughs. She is truly a Not Ready for Primetime Player.

Tina on Palin:

Palin on Alaska:

Palin on the bailout:

Palin on deregulation:

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Probably both. One heartbeat away, people. One. Heartbeat. Away. ... Shudder. As Tina said last week at the Emmy Awards:

“I want to be done playing this lady Nov. 5. So if anybody can help me be done playing this lady Nov. 5, that would be good for me.”

Amen, sister. Amen.

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