In real life she embraced the role with the same bravado. She famously wrote in her 2007 memoir, “My First Five Husbands…And the Ones Who Got Away,” about her similarities with Blanche: “People always ask me if I’m like Blanche. And I say, ‘Well, Blanche was an oversexed, self-involved, man-crazy, vain Southern belle from Atlanta—and I’m not from Atlanta!’” She was a staunch supporter of the gay community. In 1971 starred in the gay film “Some of My best Friends Are…” and her last role was on the gay family comedy “Sordid Lives” for Logo. And then there were all those years with The girls. She also championed animal rights and was, by all accounts, just a fantastic lady to have worked with, befriended and just shared the planet with.
Then there were those one-liners:
“I’m tired of lying on my back….did I just say that?”
“Like I’m the only person who’s ever mixed a margarita in a sailor’s mouth!”
“You know how fragile men’s egos are. Do the smallest thing such as scream out the wrong name and they go to pieces.”
“I swear with God as my witness, I will never pick up another man! In a library ... on a Saturday ... unless he’s cute ... and drives a nice car ... Amen.”
Rose: “Is it possible to be in love with two men at the same time?”
Blanche: “Well, let’s set the scene – have we been drinking?”
And, well, there was her love of the Lebanese.
Thank you, Rue. For being fabulous, for being fearless, for being – as always – a friend. Happy weekend, all.
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