One of my many dirty little secrets is that I don’t always find Sarah Silverman all that funny. Sometimes, sure – fucking hilarious. But other times, eh – not so much. I just don’t really dig potty humor, so when she veers overboard into adolescent absurdism I have to roll my eyes. But I do appreciate Sarah for her unending boldness and unabashed independence. She is willing to say the unsayable. Quite frankly, the world needs more women who are unafraid of putting it all out there. After all, any gross thing boys can go, girls can do grosser. What I have always appreciated is Sarah’s unwavering support of the GLBT community. In fact, it was a tweet of Sarah’s
about marriage equality that got me to follow her on Twitter in the first place. This week it was
another tweet of hers and the very succinct, very heartfelt message behind it that reminded me why I keep following her. So even if I’m not big on licking dog butts, I am always going to be big on Sarah Silverman. Happy weekend, all.
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