I’ve decided to post my season 4 L Word pre-caps on Saturday, instead of Sunday. Gives you an extra day to study. Enjoy.
1) Jenny gets a bad case of vagina wig
3) T&A Nadia gets frisky. Bette Purrs. But will she pounce?
5) Max apparently shops at the Manly Man clothing store. Grease smudges not included. Nor are swim trunks.
6) Tina hosts a gay-straight mixer. It’s just as boring as it sounds.7) Shane, Papi. Papi, Shane. 
8) Angus tastes success. Tastes like chicken. Rubber chicken.
9) Phyllis cowgirls up. And dreams of lassoing a certain lil’ doggie.
New Guestbian Count: 0
Best Line: “Try not to make her feel like she is the oldest fucking lesbian on the planet.” - Bette
Low Point: Not-so-sly dig at L Word critics: “Lesbians love to eat their own. It’s true.” - Alice
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