The candidates will field question from a panel including Human Rights Campaign president Joe Solmonese and Melissa Etheridge. Uh, Melissa, really? Clearly, I have nothing against Melissa Etheridge. She’s a great advocate and a powerful singer. Plus every gay gal has at least one of her CDs. (Seriously, even if you didn’t buy it and have no idea how it go there, it’s in your album collection. Go ahead, look. It’s in there. I think it comes free with the toaster oven.) But I think they might be stretching a little having an entertainer on a serious political panel. Do the organizers really need a famous face to get people to pay attention? Maybe I’m just hyper sensitive to any potential criticism or claims of sideshowism the insane right-wing will undoubtedly hurl our way. That said, I’m sure she’ll do a great job since she is well-versed and sincerely passionate. And, maybe she could serenade Hillary with that Hott4Hill song. Finally, a platform I can get behind: Putting a hot chick in the Oval Office.
NOTE: The debate will also be streamed live at LOGOonline.com. So all you cable-free folks can still “Go Gay in ’08.”
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