When I see an impressive young woman anywhere, I smile at the potential that awaits the passage of time. And I am happy that unlike so many of the false idols out there for young girls to worship, Emma seems to genuinely have her head screwed on straight and her priorities in order. She is serious about her studies. She hasn’t disparaged any other actresses’ private parts or stolen their skanky boyfriends. And she appears intent on carving out a career of substance, regardless of the path she picks after her Harry Potter days are over. It’s young women like Emma who give me hope for our popular culture which too often treasures trash over talent, salaciousness over smarts. So thank you, Emma. And call me in, say, 10 years. I’ll be near midlife crisis by then and ready for a 20-something hottie and a sports cars. Hey, it worked for Melissa Etheridge. Happy weekend, all.
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