Apparently at the “Beowulf” premiere Monday she spotted a crazy fan with an “ADOPT ME ANGELINA” T-shirt and, as you can see, hilarity ensued. I’m just a tad bit jealous of where Angelina put her hand on the aforementioned crazy fan while signing her T-shirt. Also, check out where she signed her shirt. Brad, schmad. The woman’s still got a little bisexual left in here. Recent evidence to the contrary, I try not to blog too much about Angie here because it’s almost cliché, plus every other site on The Internets writes too much about her anyway. But, you know what, I really do like her. I know some people are turned off by her aggressive doo-goodery and United Colors of Benetton approach to adoption. And, yes, I know (and she knows) that she is too skinny these days. But at her core she seems like a truly good person and, dear sweet jesus, her bone structure. I could stare at her until the sun comes up.