This just might be my favorite screenshot in the history of ever. That’s right, your eyes do not deceive. “Daria” is FINALLY
coming to DVD next year. This news makes me happier than a herd of beautiful wild ponies running free across the plains. That I loved Daria with all of my misanthropic soul goes without saying. Smart snarky gals in combat boots?
Be. Still. My. Heart. The show was an oasis of cynicism for the misery chick in all of us. She pointed out the absurd, the superficial, the hypocritical in that delicious dead-pan. I watched and rewatched until I could rewatch no more because it had disappeared from the TV landscape altogether. But now, a full seven years after the show left the air, comes news that we can continue having low esteem for everyone else together.
Oh, and Daria and Jane totally hooked up when they got to college. Don’t even pretend that’s not just stone cold fact. You think they picked Iowa or Vermont to tie the knot?

[Image via deviantART.]
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