Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tank Top Tuesday

My Weekend Crush last Friday had the added benefit of reminding me that I really don’t post about music enough. Granted, I’m no music blogger. While I love every buttery morsel of pop culture, I’ve always have been more of a film/TV connoisseur than a music aficionado. In fact, the breadth of my musical abilities involved reaching over and turning on the radio. Over the years, for whatever reason, my consumption of music has gone from obsessive to casual. Who knows why: lack of free time, lack of attention span, lack of auditory acuity. But that doesn’t mean my enjoyment of music has decreased, nor has my admiration for the musicians. And somehow the music sounds even better when they’re wearing tank tops. Funny how that works.

Alicia KeysNothing gay about this picture, nothing at all.

Brandi CarlileSee above.

Rachael Cantu & Missy HigginsThere are actually two things gay about this picture.

Missy & her armsSee above, again.

Tegan and SaraDid you know it’s really fucking hard to find a picture of both Tegan and Sara in tank tops? Did you know that the best I could do was these muscle shirty things? Did you know I love them, regardless? Well, now you do.

M.I.A.This is really more suspenders than a tank top. Close enough.

Feist1, 2, 3, 4 tell me that Feist should wear tank tops more.

Debbie HarryCall me, indeed.

Joan JettJoan Jett gets more chicks than you. This is just a fact.

See, told you.

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