But those who do not recognize Felicia are in for a treat. Because Felicia is kind of like the Queen of The Internets. In fact if you don’t know who she is, perhaps you’ve been spending too much time offline doing things like getting to know your family, reading books or taking long hikes in the forest. Whatever, losers.
In case she looks kinda, sorta familiar, Felicia has starred on “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” in the final season as potential slayer Vi, in “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” as poor doomed Penny and those Sears commercials where the women who loves red is looking for a washing machine as the saleswoman. She is also in the unaired “Epitaph One” episode of “Dollhouse” and is going to make another appearance this season.
But what Felicia is probably best known for is as the creator and star of the massively popular webseries “The Guild,” about a group of gamers who play a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game. The premiere episode has been watched more than 2.7 million times on YouTube. Her second season and upcoming third season has secured corporate sponsorship from the likes of Microsoft and Sprint. She has more than 1 million Twitter followers. She has been profiled in Forbes magazine. In short, she is living the online dream.
Now, I confess to not watching too much of “The Guild.” I’m not a gamer so I fear a lot of the lingo would be lost on me. But I am a fan of ingenuity, creativity and talent. (Also, red hair. Oh gingers, I can’t quit you.) So, clearly, I am a fan of Felicia’s. I follow her on Twitter. I pop in to check out her blog. I read all about her Comic-Con exploits. And now, I can’t stop rewatching “Do You Wanna Date My Avatar.” The video to promote the third season of “The Guild” debuted at No. 1 on iTunes beating out Taylor Swift (with an assist from Joss Whedon himself who urged the legions of Whedonequers to destroy the Swiftbot).
Hottie Felicia! Choreographed dancing! Gamer speak! Money beds! Vaguely medieval, ren-fairy, fantasy hottie outfits! Hello, nerdgasm!
You know what, I’m rethinking this whole, non-gamer/non-watcher thing. I can withstand a little confusion for Felicia. Who is with me? Online “The Guild” viewing party, anyone? Also, I would TOTALLY date her avatar.
p.s. You guys, I couldn’t wait. I totally watched the first season last night all in one sitting. I have been converted. Someone get me a vaguely medieval, ren-fairy, fantasy hottie outfit. I’m hooked.
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