You see, British women, by and large, act their age. And more to the point, they look their age. Why? Because they don’t fuck with their faces. I was reminded of this when looking up photos of the luminous Julia Ormond to post about her replacement on “Three Rivers”, Kate Moennig’s new medical drama. (p.s. Pull back on the Photoshop, CBS, seriously.) Seeing Julia’s un-nipped, un-tucked, un-stretched face was a bit of a revelation. Julia Ormond is 44. Julia looks 44. And Julia at 44 is fan-fucking-tastic.
Take that certain age and flaunt it, ladies: [Click to wallow in wondrous wrinkles.]
Julia Ormond, 44
Olivia Williams, 41
Helena Bonham Carter, 43
Kristin Scott Thomas, 49
Emma Thompson, 50
Charlotte Rampling, 63
Helen Mirren, 64

Granted, all these women are ridiculously genetically gifted. But what makes them even more sublime is that those little lines, they’re earned. Life leaves a mark and it looks great on your face.
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