Sure there are no vampires or space cowboys or mind-erasing chairs on “Glee” – that we know of…yet. But this pairing really does make perfect sense in the sense that Joss Whedon is great, “Glee” is great and how unbelievably great will it be to see Jane Lynch directed by Joss? Anyone who doubts the inspired nature of this pairing needs to go back and rewatch “Once More With Feeling.” And don’t just go through the motions, if you know what I mean. Also, I dare you to find a musical that creates a better visual metaphor for cunnilingus. Double dog, even.
Man, I am almost as happy about this news as I am about them getting the mustard out.
All that is left now is what to call this epic convergence of awesome: Gleedon? Whee? Gloss? I think I like Whee. It sounds exactly how I feel about this: WHEEEEEEEEE!
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