Ms. Snarker’s New Year’s Resolutions:
1. Read better.
Now, granted, I read a lot now. In fact, I’m constantly reading and writing and reading so I can write more. But I’d like to read less fluff and filler (and, let’s face it, internet) and more substance and style. Basically, I need to read better, more challenging books. Though, my alternate plan should my high-minded literary aspirations fall through is to find and marry the person at Borders who keeps making such sly social commentary through shelving.
2. Move more.
Most of my waking (and occasionally a few of my non-waking if I can get away with it) hours are spent in front of a glowing rectangle. Which, in turn, requires a certain level of sedentariness. Given the homicidal tendencies my gym evokes, my plan is to Wii myself out of my holiday fat pants. If I’m going to look sweaty and klutzy, why not do it from the comfort of my living room? Alas so far my plan has been thwarted by chronic shortage of the EA Sports Active game I had planned to buy. I fear if I buy the Jillian “If I fall in love with a woman, that’s awesome. If I fall in love with a man, that’s awesome” Michaels game instead, all I’ll do is stare sedentarily at her abs. Not that I’m not considering it, mind you.
3. Be responsive.
This is really short-hand for “Answer your damn email.” When I started this blog and for most of its existence I’ve been truthful to my “I write back” mantra. But this past year things got out of hand. Like 1,000 messages in my inbox waiting impatiently for an answer out of hand. I apologize to everyone who so graciously wrote me in the last year that I haven’t had a chance to write back. Please know that I’ve read every single email, tweet, PM, whathaveyou. I’m trying to do better. I promise.
4. Follow through.
I am a procrastinator from way back. In fact, if I don’t have a definitive deadline it pretty much doesn’t get done. That’s why this blog is nice – once a day, no excuses (even if it’s occasionally later in the day thank I’d like – cough, like now, cough). But I need to cut out the dawdling and just get all Nike on my life. So I just need to follow through and finish what I sta…
So, kittens, that’s it. Four simple rules to live by in 2010. I’ve shown you mine, now you show me yours.
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