Today, thanks to the wonders of science, is the most depressing day of the year. No, really.
True fact. There’s a formula and everything. And, I must admit, I’ve been feeling a tad blue lately. Some of it may have to do with the seemingly endless rain we’ve been having here in California. Granted, us Golden Staters have no right to complain about weather of any sort. But it’s been awfully wet and awfully gray and to top it all off, the foundation has leaked in the only room of the house with carpeting – naturally. So I’m fighting soggy carpet and the onset of locker room smell. All in all, I’ve had better Januarys. But instead of give in to the gloom and depression of it all, I say we fight back against Blue Monday. I say we turn our frowns upside down. I say we come on and get happy. And you know what makes me happy? Naked ladies. So, without further ado and with very little warning, I give you the trailer for “Room in Rome.” To say that this clip is NSFW would be an understatement. What follows could be the very reason the acronym NSFW was invented. No, really.
True fact.
Well, gosh. Just think of all the money they saved on wardrobe. Now I don’t know much about the plot. But I do know that that is an awful lot of naked happening right there. In fact, in the name of science, I think I’ll watch again to calculate the time spent naked versus the time spent clothed. Who is with me?
Click to enlarge, thank me later.]

A little bit of water doesn’t seem so bad now, does it? Happy Monday, kittens.
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