Now, it isn’t just the neat party trick that Toni can pull off, switching from alter to alter that makes this show so interesting. Instead it’s a combination of excellent writing, rich characters and undeniable realness no matter how surreal the situations get. And, if I may gloat once more, I have seen the future and it is pretty freaking fantastic. I think the highest compliment I can give this season is that it makes me desperately want to watch next (and, of course, catch up on last season). As odd as this sounds, given her frequent unhinged behavior, Tara is the glue that holds the show together. Which is all thanks to Toni.
I’ve loved Toni since “Muriel’s Wedding” – how could you not? As the awkward daydreamer with a thing for ABBA, she was the underdog who inspired one of the great underdog solidarity lines in cinema: “I’m with Muriel.” Through her career she has shown off an uncanny ability to melt into a role, though none more so than as Tara and her alters. With a tip of the head, a roll of her shoulder she can transform into another, fully formed person. Also, it doesn’t hurt that this season Buck gets (and goes, ahem) down with Pammy. Oh, baby, indeed. Happy weekend, all.
[Slightly NSFW, so you know, watch immediately.]
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