To be a fly on that wall. I realized, while studiously pouring over the photo, that all of the assembled actresses have played gay except, I believe, Gwyneth Paltrow (though she cross-dressed in “Shakespeare in Love,” for what that’s worth). So that knowledge makes the pairing even more delicious.
How are we supposed to process all the gorgeous in this picture?
(Kate Winslet & Penelope Cruz)
In this picture Gwyneth is working hard to make amends for not having played gay before.
(Gwyneth Paltrow & Penelope Cruz)
This picture is a perfect example of how a T-Shirt should be worn. Seriously, take notes.
(Naomi Watts)
I can’t wait to see her kiss Annette Bening, even if this picture makes Julianne looks like a lost waif in a wind tunnel.
(Julianne Moore)
And finally, this picture just makes me want to hug Penelope for bringing this much pretty together in one place. Also, for not wearing pants.
(Penelope Cruz)
If I must see red this Monday, this is truly the best possible way.
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