Look, everyone who knows me even a little knows my love for all things Tina Fey is unflagging. I worship at the alter of Feynimism daily, something more, and repeat “I want to go to there” as my personal mantra. All this is to say, I really like Tina Fey. But now If I were ever a way to test my loyalty, to – shall we say – flag my unflaggingness, it would be by tempting me with the possibility of a naked Sofia Vergara. The “Modern Family” star
has promised* to run naked down Hollywood Boulevard if the show wins the comedy Emmy this year. (*
Cast member may change without notice.) Way to test a gal’s loyalty. Of course, thanks to the fine print, we could be treated to Ed O’Neill running starkers through the streets of Los Angeles instead. There’s always a catch, isn’t there? Still, even the idea of a naked Sofia is enough to make a gal swallow her tongue. Sofia is many things. Hot, so hot, amazingly hot. And funny, so funny, lose bladder control funny. Plus that accent is its own living, breathing creature. You’d be hard-pressed to create a more sexy, spunky, delightful, delicious and flat-out hysterical human being than Sofia from scratch. She is the thing that sex dreams dream of when they dream. Wait, does that makes sense? Whatever. Bottom line: Damn, girl. Happy weekend, all.
p.s. Forgive me Tina. I’m only human. You’re still my No. 1 Gal.
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