Guinevere Turner was the first out lesbian celebrity I ever had a crush on. Which is another reason I’ll always have a soft, smooshy place in my heart for “Go Fish.” Yes, the acting was bad. Yes, the dialog was stilted. But it, too, was a first. The first lesbian movie I rented and watch and rewatch. And then there was Guin. Beautiful, funny, sexy, gay Guin. That hair, that smile. Fucking hell, those cheekbones. Her career has been an interesting mix of projects, from high profile to avant guard. She seems to know and have worked with every lesbian in the business, possibly the planet. Also, kuddos on her relationship with Tracy Chapman. Now that is one hot couple. And through it all she has been out, proud, unapologetic, inspiring. It makes a difference when you know someone is gay from the start. It did for me. It made my crush on her more real, tangible and in only the strictest anatomical, physiological sense, possible. Like, she was gay – maybe she could like me, too? Hey, stranger things have happened. I mean, she propositioned the hell out of that cabbie on “Taxicab Confessions.” Oh, Guin, because of you the line “I have kind of an urge to see you naked,” might actually work on me. Happy weekend, all.
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