Agent Myka Bering. Smart. Bad-ass. Hairstyle challenged. Our very special Secret Service Agent has gone through a bit of a hairstyle evolution since she first drove up to “Warehouse 13.” Remember how light her hair was when the show started? Then through the years it has darkened. But, of course, the biggest evolutionary jump came between the second and third season when The Straightening happened. No, I don’t mean all those meaningful sideways glances between Myka and HG ended (hell, they’re even stronger). I mean her hair. Hello, straight iron. All that lovely kink is gone, leaving sleek black tresses. Which, naturally, leads us to one of the great questions of our time. Agent Myka Bering: Curly or Straight?
On the one hand, I hate the straight intensely. Her curly hair looked natural, free. Her straight hair looks forced, controlled.

But on the other hand, I love it. I’m a bit more of a straight hair gal than a curly hair gal – as my hair is straight as well.

And then I think both are fantastic. In fact, she should alternate through the week. Wild and curly one day. Smooth and straight the next. Hello, best of both worlds.

Though, I will say that Myka can’t pull off all hairstyles with similar grace. Oh, darling, no.

In the end, I think the best thing we can say about Myka’s hairvolution is that it’s clear what the endgame is.

Lesbian Twin Syndrome claims another happy couple.
p.s. Please, tv gods, keep bringing HG back this season. A gal can’t go too long without a good grappling hook.
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