The late, great Katharine Hepburn would have celebrated her 100th birthday today. I’m sure, if she had lived to see the milestone, she would have something pithy and wry to say for the occasion. Something that struck a universal truth without taking itself too seriously. Something like, “Life is hard. After all, it kills you.” That is, if she hadn’t said that already. Kate was a woman who blazed trails simply by being herself. She was also a woman who never once considered her femininity, or lack thereof, a handicap. She lived freely. She spoke bluntly. She acted brashly. And she did it all while wearing an impeccably pressed pair of pants. Strong and striking, independent and intelligent, Kate was a lion among men and women. I
could go on, but Kate herself would have waved away my wordiness and pish-poshed my praise. What I will say is that when I think of people, present or past, who I would love to have a beer with and simply shoot the shit, Kate ranks among my top five. Happy weekend, all.
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