The new trailer for “I Want Someone To Eat Cheese With” looks funny enough, right? And the title, well, you can’t beat the sentiment. But while I got a chuckle out of seeing portly Jeff Garlin and babelicious Sarah Silverman yuk it up together, it is also a prime example of one of the more gently misogynistic trends in film today. Namely, the rise of the schlubby guy/hot girl romantic comedies. (For reference, please see “Knocked Up.”) Now, this debate has already been far more eloquently and exhaustively discussed on other far more eloquent and exhaustive sites. So, I won’t bore you by throwing my own two little cents into the din.

Instead I’ll just say that while the man-boy slacker meets ambitious-uptight beauty genre is irksome, what irks me most is how the equation almost never gets reversed. We’ve come to a point where Andy Samberg, Seth Rogen and Jack Black are all legitimate leading men. And fine, whatever, good for them I guess. But where is the equal screen time for the female equivalent of your Andys, Seths and Jacks? Where are the funny but average (or downright goofy) looking women and their hunka-hunka burning loves? Look, I’m all for funny folks landing smoking hotties. Just don’t forget the funny gals.
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