The second story arc of the Buffy Season 8 comics has started and my Faith has never been stronger. (It’s Friday. The puns, they are bad). The new storyline focuses on everyone’s favorite rogue slayer Faith Lehane, who is toiling away in the “second-rate Hellmouth” otherwise known as Cleveland. The arc, appropriately titled “No Future For You,” is the first
not written by Joss Whedon or a Buffy alum of any kind for that matter. (
Spoilers ahead! I mean it! Fine, have it your way.)

I have to say, damn, girlfriend. It’s good -- really, really good. Dark, funny, sexy -- this is the Faith storyline we’ve always wanted (but minus her hooking up with Buffy for hot slayer-on-slayer action…so far). The issue reintroduces us to Faith the bad girl. She’s still fighting on the side of goodness and light but her life is decidedly dank and dingy. Then, after a particularly hard kill, Giles arrives (yay, Giles, I’ve missed him with all his tea drinking and glasses cleaning) to give her the proverbial offer she can’t refuse. Finish one assignment and then get the platinum slayer pension plan. The catch (and oh, kiddies, it’s a good one)? She has to kill another rogue slayer. Do you love it, or do you
love it? See the
first six pages here.

More things to love: Faith’s lesbionic crack about “going downtown” on a chick. Giles’ Yellow Submarine sweater. Faith’s AC/DC reference to “dirty deeds done dirt cheap.” Faith in a dress, a big, cleavagey dress. And, finally, a preview of an upcoming thing to love: the cover for issue No. 9. Yes, that is Faith. Yes, she appears to be naked. Like I said, damn, girlfriend.
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