So, “
Top Chef” is down to the final four and the two-part finale, set in Aspen, begins tonight. In case you couldn’t tell, I’m rooting for Casey. Now, I like Dale. And Brian is OK (though for the love of Long John Silvers, stop making lobster!). But, basically, I really, really, really, really don’t want Hung to win. That dude is already an insufferable asshat. Just think how bad he would be with a title. While I don’t usually root for someone to lose, I am totally rooting for Hung to get his smug handed to him on a skillet. I think Casey has the best shot at beating Hung, but what the hell do I know; I thought Tre was going to win it all.

Actually, I think the caliber of cooking this season has been better than last. And the cutie chef quotient was pretty good, too. Hello, Lia. How ya doing? Sadly, all my favorites -- Lia, Sara N.,
Sandee (well, she probably would have been a favorite if she had stuck around for more than two episodes) -- got the cut early. My other complaint this season is that the judging has been wildly inconsistent. Howie fails to plate an item in the very first elimination challenge and he gets to stick around but poor Tre just makes boring bread pudding and it’s pack your knives and leave? At least we still have Padma to soothe our disappointments. And Padma with a lasso? That’s just the icing on the cake. Bon appétit.
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