Two women enter. One will leave. The other will be -- oh, yeah, that’s right -- totally shredded. Now the only question is, are you ready to rock? Let’s get ready to sol
In one corner, Jodie Foster. Earlier this week Jodie confessed
her love of shredding on Leno. And now, she is ripping it up it on Rachel Ray. Catch the episode Friday and dream about her epic “Stairway to Heaven” solo until then.

In the other corner, Tina Fey. Notice the concentration. If she goes for the whammy bar, you know it’s on.

But wait, we have a surprise competitor entering the ring, err, stage. It’s Allison Janney putting them both to shame with her tasty guitar licks. She is an animal on that thing, an animal!

Now if only I could find a shot of Helen Mirren attacking her axe windmill-style á la Pete Townsend, I could die and go to virtual rock ‘n’ roll heaven.
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