Tonight’s episode is titled -- wait for it, wait for it -- “MILF Island.” Oh, yes, you read that right, MILF Island. The same MILF Island mentioned in the Seinfeldvision season premiere. Continuity, let me show you it. The episode revolves around a tabloid blind item where a “Girlie Show” staffer calls Jack a “Class A Moron.” I have no doubt hilarity will ensue. But just in case you don’t want to rely on blind faith let’s -- as they used to say before digital media -- go to the videotape!
Of course, the non-Tina acolytes among us here might still be thinking, “What’s the fuss? Why all this Fey business?” Uhm, have you seen the picture at the top of the post of Tina in the tuxedo? Also, I think her Playboy interview from January (What? I read it for the article, really. Hey, really!) should answer all your questions. Witness some of these priceless gems from the woman who happily refers to herself as a “supernerd.”
On being called the “C”-word once by a fellow SNL writer:
“No! My parents love me. I’m not some child of an alcoholic who will take that kind of verbal abuse!”
On the differences between her and Liz Lemon:
There are two big differences between Liz and me. One is that apparently my character’s jugs are a lot bigger…[The other difference] She’s not married. I was saved by having met my boyfriend [now husband] before I worked on Saturday Night Live…Many times I when I was at SNL I would survey the writers’ room and think, Oh, thank God I’m not coming to this job single.”
On if she was funny as a kid”
“I was more the weird kid who came home after school, put on her colonial-lady costume from Halloween and did little skits for myself…I think it was in middle school. I remember thinking, Oh yeah, I may not be superpretty. This comedy thing may be my best move…I wasn’t really insecure. I was quiet and nerdy, and comedy was a way to ingratiate myself with people.”
On how SNL writers made each other laugh:
“There was a lot of same-sex fake rape.”
On wearing her glasses less post-SNL:
“I still wear them and occasionally need them to see. They’re not props but I don’t wear them all the time. Sometimes I use contacts…Getting rid of the glasses was rough. Even now I will go on a talk show and worry nobody will recognize me without the specs.”
On Playboy’s propensity for fake blondes:
“I just take personal offense. Really, would you be so disgusted to fuck a brunette? It would make you sick?”
Really, you need to read this page for yourself to get the full extend, damn typos extent of her rant about Playboy, body image and feminism, because it’s just way too much awesome for me to transcribe. Needless to say, it’s hear-me-roarific.
So, convinced yet? No, OK. One last try. Oh, and don’t call me tonight. My program is on.
**UPDATE: Friends, commenters, countrywomen (and women from other countries): I must inform you that we will never be completely “done” with Tina Fey because, as mentioned, she is a raison d’être here at Surrenders. But I can understand (sort of) the monotony some of you may feel about a week’s worth of posts about her. So, rest assured, we are done for the week. And while I may never truly understand the mindset that would not revel like a pig in the smart, sexy, sassy mud that is Tina Fey (bad analogy, but I’d already committed), I hope we can still be friends.
p.s. I lied about that being the last Tina item. THIS is the last Tina item. Lookie what I found in my mailbox this afternoon! Read Tina's whole Entertainment Weekly cover story here. See, the planets are clearly aligning in my Fey-vor. Get it? Fey-vor. OK, I’m really done now.
p.p.s. OK, this is really the last thing, I promise. For the love of God, buy this magazine and look inside at the picture of Tina wearing a satin burlesque number complete with fishnets and a feather fan. That is all.
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