Last year on my first blogday I tallied a list of posts posted, comments commented, awards lost and typos typed. If I had to do that this year, um, we’d be here until my third blogiversary. Especially on the typos part. Last year I also tried to thank every reader by country. I’d love to do the same again but there are just too many of you and too many countries. Well, that and I suck at geography. So, if you don’t mind, let me know where you’re reading from in the comments section. I’ll bust out the globe if I have to.
Needless to say, without you I’m nothing. Without you I’m just a gal sitting in front of her laptop way too much. With you I’m just a gal sitting in front of her laptop way too much, with readers. Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you for dropping my little corner of the interwebs and possibly finding something you liked. Thank you for your comments. Thank you for your emails. Thank you for your votes. Thank you for your gift offers. Thank you for your marriage proposals. Oh, and you’ll get your answer when I get my ring.
This year, in lieu of a by-the-numbers report, I thought I’d do something I’ve toyed with since I started this whole crazy train 731 days ago: a FAQ. Fine, it’s not really a FAQ since no one actually asked these questions. But, too bad, I’m answering them anyway. So without any further adoing.
Ms. Snarker’s Not-So Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How often is Surrenders updated?
A: At least once each weekday (minus vacations/national emergencies/bad hangovers). When the ladies of the L are in season, also on Saturdays.
Q: Do you comment back in the comments section?
A: No, that’s your space. Plus, I’m lazy. However, I do read, love, appreciate and encourage all comments (expect, of course, spam or hate speech).
Q: Do you really write back to emails?
A: Yes, I really write back…eventually. I respond to all emails (minus the spam, hate speech stuff, ’natch). Sometimes it takes a while, but I promise to get to you.
Q: Why answer emails but not comments?
A: Dude, I have no idea. But, you know, lines have been drawn and now it’s a rule. It’s sort of like that wearing white shoes after Labor Day thing. Who knows why it started?
Q: What’s with the potty mouth? Don’t you know that’s the sign of a small mind?
A: No shit, Sherlock.
Q: Are you Jessy Randall?
A: No. I in no way wants to besmirch Jessy’s good name. I’m certain her poems are lovely.
Q: When will you post a picture of yourself?
A: When Jodie Foster tells a reporter: “Hell yeah, I’m gay. And I fucking love it … Also, Dorothy Surrenders is my favorite blog!”
Thank you all, again, for reading. Y’all are awesome. And, of course, super sexy.
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