So then, by extension, people who love or at the very least own books are also sexy motherfuckers. Back in the days when I used to watch MTV Cribs (what, don’t judge – I was young and probably drunk), I was always struck by how few of these stars had books. There were 60-inch plasma TVs, but no bookcases. There were double-wide subzero freezers, but no bookcases. There were walls and walls of DVDs and CDs, but no bookcases. People, homes need bookcases. Even if it is just some planks and cinder blocks, it’s a place to put your books.
I’ve long-since run out of bookshelf space for my books. They’re stacked double-deep on most shelves. Granted, these days I too often shamefully fall into the “buy books and let them sit on my nightstand for way too long” category of reader. I sometimes dream of taking a week-long vacation just to read books on my couch. It’s be like back in my grade school days when I spent my entire summer vacation either reading on the porch or going to the library for more books. Oh, those halcyon days of leisurely bookwormhood.
So today, we’re going to celebrate women with really great racks – of books. (Sorry, I had to.) Let’s hear it for the lovely lady libraries. These women, and their bountiful bookcases, more than pass the Waters Test. What can I say, sometimes you need to indulge in a little bit of uninhibited book porn.
Rachel Maddow
Books and a puppy and a cocktail. That’s just straight-up porn for lesbians.
Nigella Lawson
My, Nigella, what big books you have.
Olivia Wilde
Contemporary design and plentiful bookcases. It’s so sexy it’s almost NSFW.
Rachel Weisz
I can’t be the only one who wishes she was wearing glasses and her hair up so she could do the sexy librarian head shake for us.
Rita Hayworth
Reading about Abraham Lincoln is totally hot.
Audrey Tautou
This isn’t technically her library, but I can’t resist the lovely lines.
I don’t think this is Madonna’s library either. But who knows. She can definitely afford to have a room in her house just dedicated to ancient parchments.
Diane Keaton
Fine, so she isn’t in it right now, but don’t you wish you were?
Ava Gardner Olivia de Havilland
Admit it, old-school Hollywood stars had better lounging-around-to-read clothes.
Marilyn Monroe
Did you know she was an avid reader? She had a personal library of over 400 books. Bombshell and bookworm. Be still my heart.

Nigella Lawson

Olivia Wilde

Rachel Weisz

Rita Hayworth

Audrey Tautou


Diane Keaton

Marilyn Monroe

EDIT: Damn, I mixed up my Olivia and Ava reading pictures. Apologies. We will see the lovely Ava another time, I promise.
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