Now you might be thinking, Goddammit Snarker, you slacker, you’re already as slack as slack can get. Put on a pair of slacks and you’ll be the poster child for the Gap’s new slouchy khakis campaign, “Slackers, because only your dad wears Dockers.”
But, seriously, I think it’s something we should all aspire to. People can demand a lot of us – our family, our friends, our work, our partners. But sometimes, oftentimes, we demand the most out of ourselves. And, when we don’t reach our own lofty expectations, we are also often hardest on ourselves. I can and have been mighty hard on myself in the past. Why can’t I write better? Why can’t I post more? Why can’t I answer more email? Why can’t I be better, smarter, funnier, honester – wait, is honester a word? – see the smarter thing above.
And then, then you spend a lot of useless time beating yourself up. This is almost never time well spent and almost always counterproductive. Because instead of the “Why can’t Is,” you should be focused on the “What can Is.” What can I do to write better? What can I do to post more? And, the best question of all, what can I do to be happier? The whys may give you the cause, but the whats will give you the directions.
So, that’s it for me for 2012: Cut myself some slack. If I can’t do everything, I simply can’t do everything. But I can try my very best at the things I can do. And that, that I will always promise you. Well, that and continued adoration of Tina Fey. Please, like you had to ask.
So with that, because I can and because I’m kinda good at it, here are some lovely ladies for you to enjoy in various states of dress. But in black and white, because that makes the objectification more classy. It’s a rule, look it up in your college art books. Hey, just because I’m cutting myself some slack doesn’t mean I don’t want to occasionally have you fine folks stare slack-jawed at your screens.
Michelle Rodriguez
If you’re thinking, “My, that’s a big gun,” you’re thinking about the wrong thing.
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Every time I see her I want to turn to Michael Douglas and say, “Dude, nicely done.”
Elizabeth Mitchell
Uncontrollable jealously of a pillow in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…
Diane Lane
Normally I’m against shoes on the couch, normally.
Stana Katic
I finally saw that movie where she plays a wife-stealing lesbian. Poor Greg Kinnear never stood a chance.
Tina Turner
In contrast, if you’re thinking, “My, that’s a big gun” here, you’re thinking about the very right thing.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Elizabeth Mitchell

Diane Lane

Stana Katic

Tina Turner

Happy 2012, kittens. Be good to yourself, you’re worth it.
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