Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I'm sorry, I don't speak Ching Chong

Well, well. After calling out Kelly Ripa for being homophobic, Rosie O’Donnell is now being called racist for making “ching chong” noises while describing a Chinese newscast recently on “The View.” Now, as an Asian-American woman, I’ve heard those very same “ching chong” noises all my life. I say this not for sympathy (I only use sympathy to get votes), but as context. These days, whenever I get a random “ching” or “chong” I don't feel hurt, I just think, “What an idiot.” After the former Queen of Nice's remarks, the Asian American Journalists Association issued a statement asking for an apology. And, I have to say, I agree. While meant in jest, her remarks fall into that lazy spectrum of stereotyping that is nonetheless unacceptable. Do I think Rosie was intentionally racist? No. Do I think she made racially insensitive remarks? Yes. And therein lies the rub. Intent does not define racism (or any –ism or –obia for that matter). It merely amplifies its impact. Hypocrisy cuts both ways – to the right and left. Let’s say we’re sorry and move on, shall we? Oh, and Ro, let's be a little more creative with our jokes in the future. ‘Kay?

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