Oh, Ugly Betty. You had me at ponch-o. Every time I watch, I giggle like an idiot. Sure, you’re getting dangerously close to “Will & Grace” levels of gueststar-itis (For those keeping score at home, we’ve seen Salma Hayek, Debi Mazar, Gina Gershon, Kathy Griffin, Rebecca Romijn, Tim Gunn and Katharine McPhee. Still to come are Lucy Liu, Jerry O’Connell and Naomi Campbell). But last night’s episode was fantastic. No, wait, it was gaytastic. Yes, that’s a word. No, don’t look it up. Trust me. Highlights: Wilhelmina using Marc as her “seeing-eye gay.” Justin as television’s most adorable future gay. Alex turned Alexis explaining her transition to Daniel (Max could learn a thing or six from her in the compelling, concise transcharacter department). And Amanda screeching, “She’s a model, shiny things confuse her.” Watch it now
on ABC. It’s Friday. No one in the office will notice.
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