I’ve had a crush on
Lena Headey since she charmed her way through “Imagine Me & You” as the hottest flower girl you’ve never met. Seriously, I must go to all the wrong florist shops. So I was pleased to see that she is back on the big screen in the upcoming “
300.” Lena stars are Queen Gargo to Gerard Butler’s King Leonidas. Anyone who has seen the
arresting trailers will know that this isn’t another dry historical piece. Sure, the rippling, naked male torso to rippling, naked female torso ratio appears to be heavily weighed toward the fellas. But, with Lena and an ethereal looking oracle around, I’m sure we’ll find something to catch our eye. The movie comes from the singular mind of
Frank Miller. “Sin City,” his first film, was a visual feast, but narrative mess. Early reviews for “300”
look good. For now, I just wanna look at the pictures. Uh, wow.

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