A refresher for those playing at home: When last we saw her, our gal Buffy was standing at the edge of the swallowed Hellmouth, bruised but definitely not broken. She had defeated The First and changed the world. Plus, she wasn’t the only Chosen One anymore. And, damn if she didn’t look pleased as peach about it.The comic opens a year later. Buffy is back in the Buffy business, but now she has an army of slayers working with her. The Scooby Gang has impressive new toys, (high-tech command center and, wait, is that a helicopter?) but the mission is the same. Kill the things that go “Grrr Arrgh” in the night (and day). What can you expect from the new Buffy? A lot of the same Joss magic we know and love. Much making with the funny coupled with high-flying action. The first issue is very much an appetizer. Not all the Scoobies are seen and a potential big bad is only hinted at. But, whatever, I’m just glad to see her again. Welcome back, Buffy.
Just to put you in the mood, here is the last scene from the series finale, “Chosen.” Seriously, what are you waiting for? Get your ass to the comic book store now.
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