Mes amis, ce soir je suis dans l’humeur pour quelque chose de français. Mais pas simplement quelque chose français. Non, quelque chose de français comme La Binoche. Right, so I hope I didn’t totally embarrass myself by dusting off some of the old college French. But, basically, I just feel like going French tonight. And, to me, it doesn’t get much more French than the exquisite Juliette Binoche. She is that perfect mix of ethereal and earthy. While I first saw her in “The Unbearable Lightness of Being,” it wasn’t until “Blue” that I fell head over heels. Now, granted, I fell for all the actresses from the “Trois couleurs” trilogy. But my love for the fair Juliette has proved the most enduring. For a beautiful woman, she is uncommonly grounded, direct and -- best of all -- real. She radiates a warm, honest sensuality without even a hint of artifice. And I can’t think of another actress who looks better with her eyes closed. Be still,
ma mon coeur. Happy weekend, all.
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