“Jack and Diane, two teenage lesbians, meet in New York City and spend the night kissing ferociously. Diane’s charming innocence quickly begins to open Jack’s tough skinned heart. But, when Jack discovers that Diane is leaving the country in a week she tries to push her away. Diane must struggle to keep their love alive while hiding the secret that her newly awakened sexual desire occasionally turns her into a werewolf.”
OMGWTF, right? Sadly, according to Cinematical, the production has hit a roadblock in the money department. Apparently rich movie backers simply aren’t clamoring to get behind a movie about teenage lesbian werewolves. Teenage mutant ninja turtles, yes. Teenage lesbian werewolves, no. Come on, one is clearly more awesome than the other. Perhaps it would loosen up the purse strings some if they realized, as Ellen and Olivia told a reporter at the Toronto International Film Festival, that the werewolves were actually metaphorical. So, these are teenage lesbian metaphorical werewolves? Fine, as long as the mutant ninja turtles don’t show up I’m still on board. The director’s statement up at the official movie website clears things up, a little.
“My focus in making Jack & Diane is to carefully examine what happens when two young people fall in love for the first time …. I see Jack & Diane as an investigation of love. It’s unapologetically romantic. Love is the most instinctive way for us to understand other people regardless of cultural background, race, or sexuality. Everyone has the same desire to love and to be loved.”
OK, now I have to see this movie. Look, money people, a movie about a teenage heterosexual werewolf got made and did so well there was even a sequel. OK, the sequel was ill-advised. And, perhaps the original, too. But my point being that if you can werewolf up for Michael J. Fox, why not for “Jack & Diane?” Heck, I’ll even sing the little ditty for you, if you think it would help.p.s. After typing “teenage lesbian werewolves” about 500 times for this post, I’m scared to see what kind of crazy Google traffic I get today. Uh, hello, teenage lesbian werewolf fetish folks. I guess you’re welcome here as long as you don’t bite. I mean that literally, not metaphorically.
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