So, Tina was on Conan last night to promote today’s premiere of “30 Rock,” which we are all going to watch, right? Right! First of all, she looked amazing. She was in a little black dress with some cleavagy action going on. Rawwr. She talked about how nervous she was about getting dressed for the Emmys and how “You can’t compete with the beautiful orange ladies of Los Angeles.” And then she mentioned how her parents have her on Google Alert and a couple months ago her dad called her all excited:
“Great news, you are no. 7 on the lesbian crushes on AfterEllen.com.”
As if I didn’t love her enough before, now they’re going to have to invent an entirely new level of adoration. Seriously, “crush” does not even come close. Also, I think I might love her dad, too. How cute. The whole interview was classic Tina. Her impression of the Emmy red carpet interviewers was hilarious: “So, Third Rock is good. You and Alex Baldrick are wonderful.”
She also talked about her cover girl status on Geek magazine, which, really, is a match made in heaven. And as if to cement her status, she said how big a “Star Wars” fan she was.
“I’m not going to brag, but I had the 24-inch Millennium Falcon, as a kid. The full Falcon. You know, and I didn’t go on a lot of dates and stuff. So I had to stay home and make sure the Falcon stayed pristine and the action figures were well cared for.”
Of course, Princess Leia was her favorite character. She even got Carrie Fisher to guest star this season and she actually got her to say: “Help me Liz Lemon, you’re my only hope.” To which Tina said, “I can die now.” No kidding, so can I.p.s. Click on any of the images to enlarge the Tina Fey goodness, particularly that last one. Tell me if you notice anything, say, right in the center of the photograph. Look carefully. Hello.
p.p.s. The night’s musical guest was Ani DiFranco, so it was practically the best late-night guest slate in the history of ever.
p.p.p.s. As soon as the episode is available, I’ll upload it for your viewing pleasure.
UPDATE: Here is is. See what I was saying about the dress. Nice.
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