While the resulting interview, sadly, re-avows her rampant heterosexuality, she gives us just enough naughty bits to keep the daydreams going. And going, and going.
What does she like in a man: “Hairiness. I like an animal. Hairy back, hairy everywhere. I don’t understand why a woman would want to be with a hairless man. If I was going to go for someone smooth, I may as well be a lesbian.”
OK, I’m totally ignoring the hairy back stuff because, uh, gag. But she also said “smooth” and “lesbian” in the same sentence. And she goes on to say this:
“Stockings never fail to make you feel sexy. I like hold-ups, but the problem is if you’ve got too much meat at the top, you get a bulge there. So I often wear those over-the-knee French schoolgirl socks. But I know men like the whole strappy thing of suspenders, so I’ll wear them. In fact, thinking about it, I’ve actually worn them with nothing but a pair of shoes in bed before.”
Hold on, hold on. I’m getting a mental picture. I’m getting a…oh, my. There it is. I’ve just found my happy place. Very, very happy.
But for those who need a visual aid, I present you Teh Sex: Exhibit A (photo tip, ravaj!). I believe I just lost all higher brain function. Yep. Gone. I’ve never felt better about being an idiot.
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