It was my father, of all people, who actually first noticed her. While lazily watching MTV one afternoon, Cyndi’s video for “Time After Time” came on. I wasn’t really paying attention. I think I was too engrossed in my Tiger Beat and preadolescent crush on Michael J. Fox (What? If you squint he looks kind of like a butch girl). My dad was working in the background and stopped to listen. “Who is that? I like that.” And, after I stopped to listen, so did I.
Now all these years later, it’s been a trip to find myself, in some minuscule way, part of her world. That she would take the time to give my silly little site a shout out (two even!) along with countless others is a testament to her dedication to our cause. This weekend, I’m head out to the True Colors Tour to feel beautiful like a rainbow with Cyndi and friends. There probably won’t be a post on Monday as a result. But, I think it’s a worthy excuse. And I have my dad to thank for all of it. He died four years ago today. I think this crush is really for him. Happy pride and happy weekend, all.
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