To quote dearly departed (from the show, not this mortal coil) chef Antonia from Eater LA:
“(Padma) really looked like a goddess. I was so excited to see a woman so beautiful, knew so much about a food, ate like a rock star and looks like a super model. It’s what everyone wants to be.”
You said it, sister. Let’s take a look back, in wonder, at the many faces (not to mention the rest of her) of Padma. [Click any and, I highly recommend, all to enlarge]
The Cook & The Author
The Eater
The Host
The Fashion Maven
The Proud Scar Bearer
The Men’s Wear Enthusiast
The Same-Sex Canoodler
The Funny Gal

Yep, I will definitely miss Padma most of all. Mmm, Padma, mmm.
UPDATE: Oh. My. God. Did you read the LA Times piece on Padma yesterday? If so, this is the most perfect quote in the history of the world:
“My greatest pleasure is to put a plate before you and watch you,” said Lakshmi. “But you know it’s true! I long to hear you say, ‘Mmmmm.’”
Padma, I will “Mmmmm’” for you anytime. Call me! Feed me!
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