Now, I’m going to cheat and include Padma in this parade of tank tops. Technically she is wearing a tank dress and not a tank top. But I seriously doubt anyone will mind. I mean, uh, look.
Also, she dances. Oh, dear God, I may not make it until Wednesday.
The finale is in sunny Puerto Rico and our cheftestants are all dressed for the occasion. Heck, chefbian Lisa even got a very special lesbian haircut for the occasion. In fact, the entire final four is working their inner lesbian with their tropical looks. I mean, Stephanie and Lisa are practically twinsies.
And Richard and Lisa now have matching gay hair. I half expect to see gratuitous product placement for Olivia Cruises along with the ubiquitous Glad, GE and Toyota name drops.
So, ladies, and gentleman, start your sauté pans. It’s finale time! Is it hot in here, or is that just Padma? Mmm, Padma, mmm...
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