Missy Higgins, “Steer”
Did I ever tell you about how I met Missy earlier this year after one of her shows? She was very sweet and very, very pretty. Hey, don't be jealous. Actually, no, totally be jealous. [Hat tip, Ching!]

Northern State, “Better Already”
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's awesome chicks rapping with rainbows. [Hat tip, Scribegrrrl!]

Bebe, “Siempre me quedara”
I have no idea what she is saying. Good thing “wet tank top” needs no translation. [Hat tip, Grinmistress!]

L.P., “Good With You/Cling To Me”
It's like Shane and Slash had a curly-haired lovechild.
What can I say, I'm a sucker for a gal who stops by to say “hi.” Plus, gosh, that “Wasted” song sounds awfully familiar.

What can I say, I'm a sucker for a gal who stops by to say “hi.” Plus, gosh, that “Wasted” song sounds awfully familiar.
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