Now this is one of those worst-kept secrets in Hollywood. So while it's not a surprise it is a confirmation. And, it also gives me warm, nostalgic thoughts to one of the greatest rumored lesbian affairs of quite possibly all time. I speak, of course, of the great Jodie Foster-Kelly McGillis fling on the set of “The Accused.” Now, depending on what version you've heard, Whitney Houston may have completed this triangle. But, quite frankly, that's too much gay for me to process at this moment. So instead I'd like to expound on the ramifications of Kelly's recent revelations in light of the past rumors of a relationship vis-à-vis Jodie's sort-of-basically-almost-all-the-way outing of herself.
In short, to summarize, for review: Dude, they totally hooked up!
I'd also like to take this opportunity to mourn what might have been had both been more out at the time. We could have had this, world. Talk about taking your breath away for real.
Also, as an added side benefit, that crazy couch jumper may never have been able to kidnap Katie Holmes. To quote the 80s once more: could've been so beautiful, could've been so right...
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