So, I’ve decided that I heart Amy Adams. I know, schmuck, what took you so long? The thing is, I’ve always liked Amy. I mean, come on, she was cousin Beth (Remember? Tara’s tightly-wound cousin on Buffy). But it wasn’t until “Junebug” when I realized she was something special. And in each subsequent role I’ve grown more and more “Enchanted.” (See what I did there? Oh, puns.) She picks smart roles with even smarter co-stars. Emily Blunt in “Sunshine Cleaning.” Frances McDormand in “Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day.” Meryl fucking Streep twice, in “Doubt” and now “Julie & Julia.” I think, really, it was the trailer for “Julie & Julia” that put me over the edge. Man,
how fun does that movie look? While my adoration for Amy is new-found, I’m clearly the last one to the party given her co-stars blatant SGALGG-y affection towards her. Or maybe it’s just that everyone loves a ginger.
Amy & Emily
Closer to fine, indeed.
Amy & Frances
Do they make a cute couple? You betcha.
Amy & Anne Hathaway
They are comparing notes on Meryl, if you know what I mean.
Amy & Elizabeth Banks
They are so about to kiss.
Amy & Sarah Lancaster
Oh my God, she watches “Chuck,” too.
Amy & Meryl

EDIT: p.s. How could I forget her ultimate SGALGG moment from Standing Still? [
Hat tip, Natasha Condensada!]
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