First Laurel is sponsoring an art auction featuring her own work along with sketches by TLW castmates and photos from a friend. Laurel is donating five of her paintings, friend Miki Turner is donating 12 of her photographs and Pam Grier and Rachel Shelley are donating a sketch each which they will personally sign to the winning bidder.
A look at Laurel’s work:
All proceeds going to the Maasai Conservation Wilderness Trust. Check out the auction website at mwctlaurelholloman.com. Bidding is now live on eBay. Bid here. (Auctions end Dec. 21.) Or to give directly, donate though Laurel’s fundraising page: firstgiving.com/laurelhollomannet1
Next it appears Jennifer has finished work on “The L Word Book.” The book is a behind-the-scenes look through Jennifer’s lens at the women who spend six seasons talking, laughing, loving, breathing, fighting, fucking, crying, drinking, riding, winning, losing, cheating, kissing, thinking and dreaming. (You didn’t think you’d get away with never hearing that monstrosity again, did you?)
Here is a sneak peek:
The proceeds of the book and prints will go to several different charities including the Matthew Shepard Foundation, Mia Kirshner’s I Live Here Foundation and The Pablove Foundation. The book’s website says it is coming out in December 2009, but considering we’re a third through the month it might be delayed. Check the official site for details at lwordbook.com.
See, doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy, and not for the normal reasons Tibette makes you feel warm and fuzzy? Though, Jennifer and Laurel, if you really want to raise some crazy cash for your respective charities I have a little suggestion: naked portraits of each other. Think of all the gay ladies clamoring to get their hands on those puppies. It would be the Tickle Me Elmo frenzy on steroids and there might even be some punches thrown. And, best of all, it’s alllll for charity. Brilliant, huh? No? Fine, your ideas are good too. I guess. (Kicks dirt.)
Now get busy buying and bidding, ladies.
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