You would think, given the dearth of lesbian characters in primetime television, that the networks wouldn’t program them on the same day. But, as the gay fates would have it, “The L Word” and “Cashmere Mafia” will premiere on the same night, Jan. 6. Though, the fates did throw us a bone, they’ll air one after the other, TLW at 9 p.m. and Cashmere at 10 p.m. (it will subsequently move to its regular slot, Wednesdays at 10 p.m. … which means it will conflict with “Life,” but that’s a Tivo issue for another day). Given their premiere proximities, it only makes sense that we do a careful comparison of the similarities and difference between the two shows -- for science, of course. Let’s take a look at the photographic evidence and discuss our conclusions, shall we? [
Click to enlarge for further analysis, or something.]
Getting the Gals Together

Analysis: TLW goes street fighter, Cashmere goes uptown. I give the edge to TLW, cause working out = tank tops.
Hotties Bearing Cocktails

Analysis: This is a simple numbers game. Miranda Otto is double-fisting the libations so she clearly has the edge (while taking the edge off, so to speak).
Cute Couple-Off

Analysis: While nothing can eclipse the Tasha/Alice Vortex of Cuteness (trademark pending), Caitlin/Alicia (Bonnie Somerville and Lourdes Benedicto) are flirting dangerously with adorable.
Responses To Hair Disasters

Analysis: While Caitlin turns to prayer, Jenny does the sensible thing and calls for reinforcements. Shane to the rescue.