What made the film so good? Its singularly precocious title character. Juno is the is the high schooler I wish I had been, well, minus the whole pregnancy thing. Smart, secure, acerbic, independent, frank and funny as hell. She is the kind of young person you hope really exists out there somewhere. And if she really does exist, you wish you could revert to your high school self and hang out with her by the Gas ’N Sip drinking blue Slushies and seeing who could be the biggest smart ass.
And Ellen, well, all I can say about the superb Ms. Page is that I can’t wait to watch her grow up on screen. In “Juno,” we’ve been given the rare gift of seeing a true talent emerge and stretch her potential. Cinema needs another tomboy with a killer smirk. Speaking of which, how cute was her excitement at seeing Jodie Foster in the lobby during her recent LA Times interview? When talking about actresses she admires: “Jodie Foster, who I just saw in the lobby! I would never bug somebody, but that’s a good star sighting, Jodie Foster.” Her other favorites? Kate Winslet, Laura Linney, Sissy Spacek and Molly Parker. Geez, it’s like she is picking my Weekend Crushes for me. And, give it time, she is bound to show up one weekend herself.