We want dinghy! We want dinghy! We want…ah, damn. Well, here we go again. Hey, doesn’t Jenny know there is a writers strike? Pencils down, girlfriend. Otherwise we’re going to have to start calling you a dirty scab along with bat-shit crazy. A quick refresher for those playing at home, the Pre-L precaps contain spoilers, obscene language and, whenever possible, nudity. So if you don’t like being spoiled, cursed at or seeing naked ladies…dude, why are you even here? [Click any of the images to enlarge.] So without further ado.
1) Jenny’ dialogue, it sucks. But these ladies, they still rock.
New Guestbian Count: 0
Best Line, Part I: “Playa del Carmen? That’s not nearly far enough away.” - Bette when she learns where Jenny is staying
Best Line, Part II: “Shit.” - Shane when she sees Jenny has returned
Best. Advice. Ever.: “Don’t drop the soap.” - Alice to Helena
UPDATE: I can’t believe I spelled “dinghy” wrong, twice. This is what happens when I post 20 minutes before I have to leave for the airport. Be sure to tune back in next week for the naughty Pre-L edition of “LGB Tease.” Bow-chicka-bow-wow, indeed.