So sometimes, try as I might, I just can’t keep things classy here at Surrenders. Shocking, I know. And today, well, today is one of those days. Today is the day I bring you a long-gestating photographic series I’ve been working on called, “Hey, dude, my face is higher.” Give it a second, I’ll let it’s meaning sink in. Consider this a variation on my ongoing SGALGG series. Read into them what you want, I know I did. Though, to be fair, I think Scary was just helping Posh avoid a Janet Jackson-like wardrobe malfunction in the above shot. Talk about your helping hand.
Natalie Portman gives Norah Jones the once over.LeeLee Sobieski and her friend with the wandering eye.Eve thoroughly inspects her dancers.Giselle gets handsy with Jennifer Esposito……and she is thorough.As they say in broadcasting, “Let’s go to the videotape!”