Oh dear, the vicious cycle of ego stroking has started again. Seems some kind souls have nominated me for The Lesbian Lifestyle’s
2007 Lesbian Blog of the Year. I was up for the
same honor last year and lost quite soundly and very rightfully. But, since I’m a sucker for punishment, let’s hop on this merry-go-round of potential embarrassment again. Nominating and voting are done in two parts. This is still the nominating process and the top five nominated blogs then move onto the finals. So, if you’re so inclined, type Dorothy Surrenders and its URL
into the comments section to nominate yours truly. While you’re at it, go ahead and nominate a bunch of other great blogs. All the writers over in my Lovely Lady Links are a good start, and there are of course countless others. Nominations close Feb. 15.
Full rules here.
p.s. Rest assured, I will in no way try to influence your vote. I mean, I would never do something so underhanded as to put up a gratuitous
Naked Lady Monday post to curry favor. Oh, no. You can expect no such dirty campaigning here. I have high ethical standards to uphold. Sorry, what about these pictures below, you ask? Well, clearly, those are for informational purposes only. Know thy candidate, right?

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