Oh my God, right? I mean, I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud at work yesterday, my whole body shook. Violently. The chocolate or poop test? I think I almost peed my pants! And the childproof toilet? Well, I think might have actually peed my pants on that one.
Suffice it to say, this thing looks funny and you can’t beat the cast: Tina, Amy Poehler, Sigourney Weaver and Maura Tierney? Am I a little worried they might have shown all the funniest bits in the trailer? Perhaps, but this is Tina Fey we’re talking about. I trust there is plenty of hilarious left in the tank.
OK, now you’re probably thinking, “Why so confident, Ms. Snarker?” Or, possibly, “I’m still hungry, I wonder if any of last night’s Cheetos feel in between the couch cushions?” Either way, my faith in Tina and Amy’s ability to bring the funny can be summed up in two words: sexy tennis.
[Hat tip, Jules!]
Come April 25, I’m going to strap on some Depends and run to the theater. Come to think of it, they should sell those things at the concessions stand. I mean, no one can hold it long enough to finish a movie after drinking one of their ocean-sized sodas. OK, this post has gone to a weird place. But, you get my drift. “Baby Mama” or bust! You get the popcorn, I’ll get the rubber pants.